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New Zealand bases its education programmes and degrees on the world's most recognized and accredited education system-the British system. New Zealand has an international reputation as a provider of quality education. It has a progressive education system with many state of the art facilities. It offers a safe learning environment with excellent study opportunities and support services for international students. New Zealanders are famed for their friendliness, hospitality and warmth to overseas visitors, and enjoy meeting folk from other cultures. Courses are available for academic, professional and vocational studies at New Zealand institutions - universities, polytechnics and institutes of technology, colleges of education, secondary schools and private training establishments.

The cost of studying in New Zealand is also much cheaper than the USA, Australia, UK, or Canada. The quality assurance practices that the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has in place gives both local and international students confidence when it comes to choosing a course of study in New Zealand. Combining the benefits of a developed country with the charm of a quiet and peaceful countryside, New Zealand offers some distinct advantages over other countries as a destination for education. New Zealand is the ultimate outdoor adventure playground, from offering every kind of thrill and adventure to pure hedonistic relaxation and pleasure.

Why Study In New Zealand ?

Key Highlights

Why study in New Zealand ?

1. New Zealand is an emerging top destination for studying abroad. Here’s why!

We all know New Zealand is a beautiful country, but there’s a lot beyond its picturesque landscapes. It is emerging as one of the topmost preferences among Indian students wanting to study abroad. With an excellent education system, internationally accredited qualifications, ample research opportunities and a matchless quality of life, New Zealand has a lot to offer. While studying here, you can be assured of a welcoming and friendly society with an excellent support system for international students. Here are some of the top reasons why you should New Zealand for your further education.

2. Globally recognised qualifications

All eight universities of New Zealand consistently rank high in QS World Rankings* and Times Higher Education Rankings, and qualifications from any of these are accredited across the globe, opening doors to prospects everywhere. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) also ensures that institutions are registered to enrol international students and comply with qualifications standards.

3. Excellent pedagogy

Influenced by the UK education system, New Zealand focuses on research-based teaching, which means you will learn dealing with situations in a systematic and an organised manner. You’ll be taught how to work independently as well as in a team at various levels. Studying here will encourage you to think critically, question and benefit from student-teacher interaction. You’ll also be implementing the concepts learnt in the classroom and develop different approaches towards solving a problem.

4. Innovation and research

New Zealand provides abundant opportunities in research for students. The country boasts of highly experienced faculty, well-equipped laboratories, access to latest technology, equipments, and opportunities. Its innovative spirit has made it a hub of new technologies, research and development in various fields such as healthcare, physics, geology, engineering, astronomy, computer science, agriculture, etc. Add to it, the Nobel prizes that the country has in its kitty simply reinstate the significance and vast scope of research in New Zealand.

5. Great scope for PhD scholars

Along with the vast research opportunities, as a PhD student you would enjoy additional privileges. You’ll be eligible to pay the same tuition fee as locals and unlike other degree students, you can work full-time during your studies. Need we say more?

6. Safe and peaceful

New Zealand ranks second on the Global Peace Index 2018*, which speaks about the social tolerance and political stability of the Kiwi democracy. As an international student, you’ll have the same rights as your Kiwi counterparts.

7. Quality of life

New Zealand offers a wonderful multi-cultural environment that exists in perfect harmony with the country’s outdoorsy lifestyle. Replete with all kinds of natural landscapes ranging from snowcapped mountains and steaming volcanoes to rolling green hills, golden sandy beaches and lush rainforests, New Zealand screams wanderlust. Living here provides every student a chance to grow with its diverse culture and natural beauty all at once.

8. You can work to support your studies

As an international student in New Zealand, you can work for up to 20 hours every week during your semesters and full-time during breaks. In fact, if you’re pursuing research masters or a doctoral degree, you will be allowed to work full-time.

More Information - New Zealand

Key Highlights

New Zealand is an excellent choice for anyone who wishes to earn a highly valued, internationally recognised tertiary qualification. You can study everything from short trade courses to specialised, high-powered, research based doctoral study. New Zealand has three for higher education system - Universities, Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) , and Private training establishments (private education providers). New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) provides accreditations to these private institutions for issuing degrees and diplomas. New Zealand offers options for both undergraduate and post graduate programs. A student can choose from a degree or diploma based on their qualification and interest. Both of them are recognized for jobs within New Zealand and immigration purposes. The courses in New Zealand are relatively affordable as Tuition fee and Living costs are lower in comparison to other English speaking countries.

Course approval
l confirms that a course is based on clear and consistent aims, content, outcomes and assessment practices, which meet the necessary criteria and requirements. Course accreditation confirms that a provider is deemed capable of delivering an approved course. A provider may seek accreditation to deliver their own or another organisation's approved course. All quality assurance bodies in New Zealand use the same criteria for course approval and accreditation.

Academic Session 
Main Intakes – February and September 

Other Intakes – May, July, November